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South Sudan: Olony claims he foiled attacks by forces of Gatwech, Machar & Lam
The Faces of the Kitgwang Declaration, the SPLA-IO Faction Under Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual
South Sudan: Leader of the opposition party APC arrested for criticizing extension of the RTGoNU
What Tutkew Gatluak Is Saying About Gen. Johnson Olony Upon His Return to Juba
Gen. Johnson Olony, Gen. Gatwech Dual and Gen. Mabor Dhol to Launch The War.
SPLA-IO spokesman General William Gatjiath Deng in leaked phone call!
Interview with Mr. Malakal Goak, the SPLM-IO Kit Gwang faction representative in the United States
Agelwek Faction Leader Gen Johnson Olony address his forces
South Sudan 2 dead, 7 missing in renewed clashes involving rival Kitgwang factions
National Protest Rejected by Youth Leader
South Sudan: 27,000 displaced in Upper Nile amid escalating Kitgwang fighting
BREAKING NEW:🗞 Collo lands are well secured now by Agwelek force